Black runner beans
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09-11-2014, 10:38 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Nov 2013
Posts: 294
Black runner beans
"Bigal" wrote in message
'David Rance[_3_ Wrote:
;1009340']On Sun, 9 Nov 2014 11:12:58 Ophelia wrote:
"David Rance"
lid wrote in message
On Fri, 7 Nov 2014 21:00:50 Ophelia wrote:
"David Rance"
lid wrote in message
On Thu, 6 Nov 2014 15:11:17 Bigal wrote:
A good crop of runner beans thanks to a 5 year old bed of biochar.
(sorry, I just had to put that in.) So much so that I got fed up with
eating them, freezing them and picking them. I tell my neighbour to
help herself, but she is a bit loathed to do so. So I just let them
grow, thinking to shell them later to use the beans some other way. I
grew White Lady from saved seed, and a few weeks ago saved some more.
black ones. During the shelling I found one that contained jet black
beans. In all my years of gardening I have never come across a black
bean before, and I don't ever recall my father doing so.. (Taking
account of the fact that the beans are eaten green).. By the time I
had finished shelling (between jobs) I had found a total of eighty.
Two of the pods were still joined on the flower stalk, which makes me
think that it was a single plant that produced them. Comments
please, and I am sure that it wasn't the black leaking out of the
I have had some black runner bean seeds now for over ten years.
They originally grew from the usual two-coloured ones but I thought
that black was unusual so I selected them and now always grow them.
Occasionally they revert to the normal two-coloured seed but mostly
they are all black. And a pod of two-coloured seeds would come from
the same plant that produces the black ones.
I've no idea what variety they are.
Do they taste different and do they keep their colour when cooked?-
No, they're exactly the same. Since we always eat them as young green
beans the seeds haven't yet got their mature colours. (This applies to
the normal coloured ones as well as the black.)-
Ok, thanks, David. What makes their colour change?-
Dunno! Better ask Mendel!
David Rance writing from Caversham, Reading, UK
Normally runners are grown for the green pod, and with my sense of
taste, they would have to have vastly different tastes for me to tell.
It was pure luck that I discovered them. There weren't any in the ones
I saved for next years seed. It was just having so many more growing
than I needed and could get rid of, that I decided to let them grow on
for the beans. I wasn't even sure how edible they would be... I have
enough to see if they lose their colour when boiled, and as for taste, I
think I will try them raw.
Report back whatever you do with them
) I've never seen black ones so I am
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