I thought I had
On Sat, 8 Nov 2014 16:59:05 Spider wrote:
On 08/11/2014 00:28, Christina Websell wrote:
Got rid of cow parsley in my garden. I had made a sustained attack on it
last year. But no. It's popping up all over now.
As is Garlic Mustard (Jack-by-the-Hedge) but I don't mind that as I can eat
it when it is young and if it gets big my hens like it.
The leaves are lovely in salads. Mixed in.
I'd love to have Cow Parsley in my garden! It would be gorgeous in
some of the natural areas.
And then it'll seed not only over the parts of your garden where you
don't want it but also over you neighbours' gardens!
David Rance writing from Caversham, Reading, UK