On 30/10/2014 13:14, Spider wrote:
On 30/10/2014 08:44, Jeff Layman wrote:
Not something usually seen on a murky day in very late October:
Truly glorious. That looks like Sambucus 'Sutherland's Gold' supporting
it. Lovely combination.
I can see why you think it's that Sambucus, but it is actually Jasminum
officinale 'Aureum'.
The funny thing about the Ipomoea is that it germinated well from seed
(in May, IIRC), but after planting out a couple of dozen plants most
just sat there and then disappeared (eaten; died?). One grew feebly at
the start, then got going, but didn't start flowering until mid August.
The plant in the picture also grew slowly, then put on a spurt in
September, twining all over the place, but there was no sign of flower
buds until a couple of weeks ago, when it became smothered in them. But
it still refused to flower until a few days ago. Most odd for something
usually considered a rather rampant climber.
I hope it will continue to flower until it gets hit by frost.