Hasn't beens
On 23/10/2014 08:43, Bob Hobden wrote:
"David" wrote
Well that's the last of my runner beans.
I picked the last of them yesterday, enough for a couple of meals, now
all that is left hanging are a lot of light blue pods saved for seed.
Yes I did say light blue.
I spray the pods I want to keep with Oasis flower spray so they don't
get picked by accident. I just select the best pods over time so that
with luck I'll be improving the strain, and not using the left over
pods at the end of the season.
Have you tried treating the roots like Dahlia tubers and overwintering
Yes, that way you get early beans but not a very heavy crop.
It was done a lot by gardeners growing for "The big house" in Victorian
times, but only to get early beans.