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Old 22-10-2014, 09:06 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Ophelia[_8_] Ophelia[_8_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Nov 2013
Posts: 294
Default Phaelenopsis success

"Spider" wrote in message
A few years ago, I was on the verge of losing a treasured white Phal.
given to me by a friend. It had almost flowered itself to death,
producing about 45 flowers in its final season, after years of normal
blooming. Someone on urg (probably Bob Hobden) told me that some white
Phals are reputed to die after such a grand flowering event.

I was determined not to lose it, but it began to look very sad indeed;
starting to deteriorate at the base of the crown from where the
underground roots grew. I removed it from its pot, cut away the damaged
basal growth and old roots, which were also looking poorly.
I then repotted it by burying a few of the very healthy aerial roots,
still leaving many aerial roots above ground.

It took months for the plant to respond at all, and 2-3 years before I
could be sure it was alive and growing well. Earlier this year it put out
a flowering spike, which is now blooming. Looking today, I see it has a
2nd and 3rd flower spike just starting to develop. I am really chuffed
:~)). I appreciate that not everyone wants to go to this trouble and
would normally throw out such a sickly plant. However, where a plant is
particularly valued (and patience in good supply!), it is well worth the
trouble of resurrecting it.

Congratulations)) As always I am in awe of you

I still think you ought to write a book!
