Thread: Public gardens
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Old 02-10-2014, 02:52 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Bob Hobden[_4_] Bob Hobden[_4_] is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2014
Posts: 3
Default Public gardens

"Janet" wrote
Bob says...

If you visit places with gardens as we do occasionally, and did this week,
and you see some strange even plain wrong planting do you chat to the
gardeners about it?
By wrong I mean ferns in full sun and potentially huge trees, Robinia
pseudoacacia, planted almost next to the building.

Well, I've seen newish "instant" gardens unwisely planted up by some
beginner with more money than sense or knowledge but I wouldn't
discourage them by saying so. Gardeners learn best, from their mistakes.

When I started out I made some howling planting booboos which I was very
proud of at the time. Two that stand out in my personal hall of shame
were cedrus atlantica glauca planted in a tiny front garden at one ft
tall, and mile-a-minute-vine planted on a dividing fence.

( What I learnt was, that the smaller you plant a tree the faster it
grows; and plants that overtake the neighbours while breaking the speed
limit, will surely get banned).


Yes I agree but presumably this garden is not gardened by a new gardener as
it's a house open to the public. Looked like a senior gardener and lots of
willing helpers .

-- Regards
Bob Hobden
Posting to this Newsgroup from the West of London. UK