On 2014-09-09 22:03:26 +0000, Bertie Doe said:
Never had any luck with these plants. Poppies produce plenty of sees,
for good reason. It takes a lot of 'em to produce one plant.
Next-door, has masses. They grow on fertile soil, poor soil and even in
the cracks in pavement. She gave me a potful of seed heads. I've
extracted about 20g of seed.
Plenty to scatter now; scatter and/or propagate in Spring. Any ideas
would be welcome.
Ours pop up all over the place and barely a day in the year goes by
without one in flower somewhere. But we have a clump that has put
itself into a pot near the door which is full of compost, as well as
some in nooks in walls, flower beds etc. So why not try a variety of
places with yours? Try raising some in coarse, free-draining compost,
some in a stony area of the garden and some in ordinary compost to see
which will get going. But plants do have an infuriating habit of
making up their own minds.
South Devon