"Chris Hogg" wrote ...
David Hill wrote:
Malcolm wrote:
I ain't no good at spelin or grammer and I know that there are some
experts here and those that converse with me off line who are both
at spelin and gramer, but I have a problem with a piece I am trying to
When to use 'spilt' and when to use 'spilled'.
They're interchangeable. Use which you like whenever you like. However,
some uses have become conventional, e.g. spilt milk not spilled milk,
but it really doesn't matter as long as it is comprehensible.
In much the same way as spelled and spelt are interchangeable.
These don't bother me half as much as ........
the now common usage of "For Free"
the use of "Times it by..." instead of multiply it by
and the use of "Faux" instead of Fake
ISTR that 'faux' has been around for a very long time, e.g. in the rag
trade, as in faux-fur etc. Apparently used in English since 1676
(http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/faux). But I agree with you on
your other points. 'Multiple' gets me. Everything is 'multiple'.
Whatever happened to 'many'?
Kids get such a good education these days, with numbers passing exams
ever increasing, so it must be OK!
I love the signs at the side of the road saying "Massive rug sale", who
wants a massive rug.
Regards. Bob Hobden.
Posted to this Newsgroup from the W of London, UK