Thread: Lawn Aerator
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Old 19-07-2014, 06:26 AM posted to,,rec.gardens
David E. Ross[_2_] David E. Ross[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2009
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Default Lawn Aerator

On 7/18/2014 8:19 PM, Guv Bob wrote:
"HomeGuy" "Home" wrote in message ...
Guv Bob wrote:

Anybody know where to get an aerator ...

Lawn aeration is a crock.

There are VERY FEW situations where aeration is really called for and
the mechanical alteration of soil is necessary to improve turf health.

Those few situations are mostly sports fields, golf courses, etc. And
the aeration they perform uses spikes that do not core out plugs of

Why do you think your residential front or back yard needs plugs of turf
to be removed from it?

What type of soil do you have in Long Beach?

Below 1-2 inches, it's hard-packed clay in this particular spot. This was just an idea. Water won't penetrate it. Trying to avoid roto-tilling. It's level and rolling a 200 pound barrel on a rock-hard surface like this is pretty easy. I have rolled a 55 gal drum of liquid on the same place -- that's where I got the idea.

I suggest you apply a thin layer of gypsum over the area and dampen it.
Then, over the next 2-3 weeks, slowly rinse it into the soil. This
will start to break up the clay so that however you aerate it, you will
get good results.

Yes, I am a big fan of gypsum. No, I do not have any direct investment
in any company that mines, processes, or sells gypsum.

David E. Ross
Climate: California Mediterranean, see
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