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Old 14-07-2014, 12:30 PM posted to,
dadiOH[_2_] dadiOH[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2008
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Default Pre-treat weeds with soapy water before spraying weed killer?

"HomeGuy" "Home" wrote in message

I mix concentrated Ortho Weed B Gon (Plus Grabgrass Control) with water
according to the label and use a 1-gallon handpump sprayer.

I suppose that it works, but I don't exactly see the spray "wetting" the
leaves and stems of the stuff I'm spraying. Looks more like most of it
beads up on the leaves and runs off.

I'm thinking that this stuff would be more effective if it "stuck" to
the leaves, and I think that's only going to happen if the surface
tension is reduced, possibly by pre-spraying the weeds with soapy water,
or alternatively maybe adding soap in with the weed killer and water.

Don't pre-spray, just add a small amount of surfacant to the weed killer.
I can't tell you how much bu tI add about a cap full or two of liquid dish
detergent to my 35 gallon spray tank with either 2,4-D or Rodeo/Roundup.



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