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Old 08-07-2014, 09:18 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Dave Liquorice[_2_] Dave Liquorice[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2008
Posts: 758
Default Help!? Baby oak tree & rose bushes.. clueless

On Tue, 8 Jul 2014 14:09:31 +0200, Louise89 wrote:

What is the problem with your 3 year old daughter relevant to

The sharp thorny branches are about the same height as her, meaning I
cant let her in the garden to play properly because she could really
hurt herself.

She'll soon learn. You can't keep 'em wrapped in cotton wool, in fact
doing so is probably detrimental as they haven't had the lesson(s).

If she gets a few scratches, give her a cuddle, and
quietly/unobtrusively check the scratches are clean, if they need a
clean gently with warm water on a bit of clean cloth/cotton wool. Dry
and let her immune system and healing processes go to work, no need
for plasters etc. Keep an eye on them for a day or two and apply a
bit of Savlon if they get "red and angry", the first hours being the
time to keep a closer eye.

Your reaction will have a greater affect on your daughter than
anything else, stay calm, be quiet loving and gentle, don't make a
great fuss.
