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Old 24-06-2014, 06:43 PM posted to
Stinkweed[_3_] Stinkweed[_3_] is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jun 2014
Posts: 114
Default Img-1208-Angle Wing Begonia

We have these in the nurseries around here and they are beautiful but the
large ones die on me. But the Angle Wing Begonia is doing well. I don't
know much about them, I understand they can get quite tall, I don't know
exactly what that means.

"Bob Hobden" wrote in message
"Stinkweed" wrote

My neighbor gave me a start of this plant last fall and it is doing really
well. It started flowering a week or so ago and is just beautiful.

I love begonias too, I have some red tuberous ones that I inherited from
my Mother when she died in '93 and she had grown them for years. Also
bought some expensive large flowered ones from Blackmore & Langdon Ltd
which have huge flowers.

I know there is a nursery in the USA that sells their plants. :-)
Regards. Bob Hobden.
Posted to this Newsgroup from the W of London, UK