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Old 17-06-2014, 04:52 PM posted to
[email protected][_2_][_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Mar 2011
Posts: 237
Default Bare spots in lawn again

On Tuesday, June 17, 2014 10:16:32 AM UTC-4, songbird wrote:
Guv Bob wrote:

what is underneath them?

dig them out (down at least eight

inches) and break up the soil, perhaps

add a little lime if it is acidic.

get different seed, a mix that will

blend with your existing lawn is best.

not the best time to be doing this

with the summer coming on, you'll likely

have to mist several times a day...

+1. Especially since from what I can see it looks like lack of water could have been the problem to begin with. Unless you have an automated watering system, it's hopeless to try to grow grass in most of the USA now. I saw guys raking and tossing out seed on a local church lawn just a few days ago. It's not irrigated at all and doomed to failure.

mulch lightly over the seed, but not

too heavy. i don't think i'd use peat as

that can repel water once it gets dry.

clean straw works well enough.

I'd be careful with straw. I know it's widely used, but I've had problems from nasty weeds, including undesirable grasses, which are even worse, because you can't get rid of most of them with herbicides. I've heard that you're supposed to use "weed free" straw, which is perhaps what you mean by clean straw. Where you get such a thing, IDK.

or even

grass clippings...

I'd be worried that grass clippings are too dense,
matted, etc and would mulch out the new grass.