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Old 17-06-2014, 12:51 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Martin Brown Martin Brown is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,262
Default Homebrew glyphosate gel?

On 17/06/2014 10:55, Tim Watts wrote:

Time to spot weed my lawn to get rid a few big ugly weeds.

12" screwdriver down the side of the tap root is very satisfying for a
samll number of them. Not worth buying a special tool for it...

I have an industrial quantity of concentrated (not farmers superconc,
the next one down) generic glyphosate.

Any suggestions what would be a good admix to make it more like a gel to
paint on the leaves?

Don't do it. Grass is exquisitely sensitive to glyphosate and you will
end up with big ugly dead brown patches. I knew someone who tried to do
the DIY spot weeder trick with "Pathclear" and it was the devils own job
to repopulate the damaged areas with grass again.

If you must do this then old wallpaper paste leftovers is OK.

Washing up liquid/bubble bath comes to mind - but I just wondered if
anyone else has tried this...

Use a broadleaf specific 2,4-D formulation in a wax crayon or Verdone.

It will kill broadleafs only in a lawn without any collateral damage -
at least if you follow the instructions.

Martin Brown