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Old 18-05-2014, 06:09 PM posted to rec.ponds
a425couple a425couple is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2008
Posts: 51
Default Mosquitos in pond

"rabbit23" wrote in message

Hello everyone
My problem is that my neighbour has a 3 year old raised pond (meter high
so inaccessible to amphibians) with no plants & no wildlife so mozzies
have taken over & are invading my house every evening! The thing looks
like pea soup. I too have a pond, but it is rich in vegetation, newts,
frogs, boatmen etc. so have no problem with mozzies. She is oblivious
to the problem and takes no interest in the welfare of the pond or the
fact that is is festering. I look after her house & cat regularly so am
thinking of treating the pea soup on her behalf (so to speak). Can you
recommend a water treatment that will get rid of this pest please?
Many thanks.

#1, "Purchase Mosquito Dunks and add them to your standing water.
Mosquito Dunks look like small donuts and are effective at killing the
larvae for 30 days. They consist of bacteria known as Bti israeliensis
and is only deadly to mosquito and black fly larvae. The dunks are not
harmful to humans, pets, fish or wildlife."

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