Do you use Siltex?
"Ann-Marie L"
Hi, I'm Ann and I live in the English midlands. For years beyond
measure I've kept fish, been a devoted gardener and pondkeeper and of
recent years I managed a company that desilts lakes and restores aquatic
environments, including river bank repairs after flooding.
What we have only just realised is that domestic pondkeepers don't seem
to use a product that we use twice a year on the large lakes and village
ponds that we help to care for. That's Siltex. We use it to help break
down existing organic silt (the stinky black gunge) and to prevent new
deposits from become blacky and stinky.
Normally we sell it by the tonne; we've just realised that we maybe
should sell it by the kilo... which treats a 4x4m pond.
What do you think? Shall I put the technical info up as part of the
Ann-Marie L
You could.
It would probably help if you displayed cites
(that were not created by you or financially involved with you)
that tell what good this "Siltex" is.