Thread: Ping Sacha
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Old 27-03-2014, 08:42 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
David Hill David Hill is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2012
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Default Ping Sacha

On 27/03/2014 17:55, Spider wrote:
On 27/03/2014 17:22, sacha wrote:
On 2014-03-27 14:05:50 +0000, Spider said:

Hello Sacha, do you remember the full name of that Plectranthus I
bought from yours, the one you and Ray call the BO plant. It has blue
flowers. Hoping ...

It's Coleus canina and it reeks! In warmer climates it's used to keep
dogs and cats off gardens and apparently it does work. It was given to
Ray as a Plectranthus from a friend with a holiday house in South Africa
but Coleus it is. Good luck with that, or are you moving house to be
shot of it?!

Thank you, Sacha. No, I'm not moving house:~). I'd have to leave the
rest of my garden behind, not just the Coleus, the smell of which I find
quite attractive, actually. I don't say I'd like to dab it behind my
ears, but I can enjoy living with it.

It's change of name certainly explains something. I had thought that
because it smells somewhat of fresh human perspiration (I'm being
polite), my cats would love it ... they don't! They won't go near it, so
it does seem to work. I will try rooting a sprig in a raised bed where
a cat toilets rather messily (I won't draw a picture!), and hope that it
drives the cat elsewhere. Paws crossed.

I wouldn't be to sure Spider, it looks as if the cats are after a solution