Impregnating a tree stump for burning out?
On 22/03/14 17:41, Lobster wrote:
I've got an old cherry tree stump which I really want rid of. It's
probably about 10" high by 15" across, and the problem is that it's in an
awkward position at the foot of a banked area, and surrounded by paving
stones, so would be very disruptive and difficult to dig out. It's
inaccessible to a tree stump grinder (other than maybe something hand-
Burning it out seems the way forward, and I've tried several times (over
years), burying the thing in burning coal. Trouble is the stump doesn't
really burn much as such; it just chars over, and has got quite dished on
top, but there's a lot more to go. Anyway, it occurred to me that maybe I
could try again this summer but first impregnate the remaining timber over
a period of time (maybe honeycombing it with a drill first) to encourage it
to burn properly. Anyone tried this? What would be good to use, that
wouldn't just evaporate off?
I'm not after getting the whole thing out - if I just get the stump below
ground level and cover it with a plant tub or something, that would be
Or any other constructive ideas!?
Saltpeter. It (dead stump) smoulders nicely in an oxygen rich atmosphere
We had an old elm stump - going back 50+ years - and we were burning out
the ditch adjoining it. It caught fire, and we doused it, but the next
morning it had almost gone to ground level and in the next few days it
simply vanished underground. Could not put it out.
I did the same with a leylandii 15 years ago. Built a fire on top and
fed it and when it went out, no stump left.
so pour diesel or put candles on it or use old engine oil on it and get
a good blaze going that will draw in air.
It WILL burn.
(in-ep-toc’-ra-cy) – a system of government where the least capable to
lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the
members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are
rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a
diminishing number of producers.